Ingredients for - Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Strips

1. Frozen cooked, breaded crispy chicken strips (such as Tyson®) 25 ounces

How to cook deliciously - Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Strips

1 . Stage

Set the air fryer temperature to 380 degrees F (180 degrees C).

2 . Stage

Place frozen chicken strips in the air fryer basket, without touching or overcrowding.

3 . Stage

Cook until crispy, 11 to 12 minutes. The color will not change much. You may have to cook in batches depending on the size of your air fryer, and cooking time may vary depending on the brand and size of your air fryer.

4 . Stage

Remove from the air fryer and serve immediately.

Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Strips
Recipe information Information icon - Master recipes
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
5 min.
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
Servings per container:
Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Strips
Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Strips
Set the air fryer temperature to 380 degrees F (180 de...