Ingredients for - Apple-Raisin Ladybug

1. 2 lettuce or kale leaves
2. 1 medium Red Delicious apple, quartered
3. 2 teaspoons creamy peanut butter
4. 2 tablespoons raisins
5. 5 seedless red grapes
6. TEST: test

How to cook deliciously - Apple-Raisin Ladybug

1 . Stage

Place lettuce leaves on two salad plates. Arrange two apple quarters, peel side up, on the lettuce. Use dab of peanut butter to place raisins in the space between apple quarters. Place one grape at the stem end of apple for head. For legs, cut the remaining grapes lengthwise into four pieces; place three on each side of ladybugs. Place small dabs of peanut butter on remaining raisins; gently press onto apples for spots.

Apple-Raisin Ladybug
Recipe information Information icon - Master recipes
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
15 min.
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
Servings per container:
Apple-Raisin Ladybug
Apple-Raisin Ladybug
Place lettuce leaves on two salad plates. Arrange two...