Griddled bananas with nutty chocolate custard
Recipe information
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
5 min.
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Servings per container:
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Ingredients for - Griddled bananas with nutty chocolate custard

1. 2 ripe bananas , peeled and sliced at an angle into 2cm slices -
2. 2 x 150g pots low-fat custard -
3. 2 squares dark chocolate -
4. 1 tbsp chopped toasted hazelnut -

How to cook deliciously - Griddled bananas with nutty chocolate custard

1. Stage

Heat a griddle pan to high. Cook the bananas for 2-3 mins each side until charred.

2. Stage

Meanwhile, remove the lids from the custard and push the chocolate into each. Microwave each pot on High for 1 min. Remove and leave to stand for 1 min, then stir well. Divide the custard between 2 bowls, add the hot bananas and sprinkle each with hazelnuts.