Shark Infested Water
Recipe information
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
5 min.
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
Servings per container:
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Ingredients for - Shark Infested Water

1. 14 gummy sharks -
2. 2 (12-oz) cans seltzer  -
3. 1/4 c. blue curacao -
4. 2 (12-oz.) cans seltzer -
5. 1 c. lemonade -
6. 1/2 c. white rum -
7. 1/4 c. blue curacao  -
8. Lemon rounds, for garnish -

How to cook deliciously - Shark Infested Water

1. Stage

 In a large measuring cup, whisk together seltzer and blue curacao. Place one gummy shark into each well in ice tray, then fill with prepared mixture. Freeze until solid, 4 hours up to overnight.

2. Stage

In a large pitcher, combine seltzer, lemonade, rum, and blue curacao. Fill glasses with prepared ice cubes, pour over punch, and garnish with a lemon round.