Familiar to the inhabitants of the Far East and practically unknown in other countries, cucumaria is a marine animal that lives in the Sea of Okhotsk, Japan and the Barents Sea. In China and Japan, cucumber is a delicacy. It has excellent taste and unique beneficial properties.

Residents of the Far East and Sakhalin simply call it “sea cucumber”, and dishes from it in Japan are considered a national treasure. A sea cucumber reaches 30-40 cm in length, but if you take an animal out of the water, its body shrinks to 12-18 cm. Fortunately, you don’t have to catch or clean them. Cucumaria is sold in frozen and boiled-frozen form, as well as independent canned and canned mixes with other seafood.

Cucumaria has the amazing ability to repair its tissues. If it is cut into several parts, and then thrown into water, after some time new animals will again grow from these parts.

Useful properties of cucumaria: 1. Cucumaria strengthens the human immune system, has a general strengthening effect on the body. 2. Cucumaria has the therapeutic and prophylactic properties of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Strengthens blood vessels and heart. 3. It contributes to the suppression of malignant tumors. Reduces the likelihood of cancer. Preparations containing cucumaria are used to treat precancerous diseases and cancer. 4. Cucumaria has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. 5. Helps normalize the thyroid gland and endocrine system. 6. Recommended for people with diabetes. 7. Cucumaria is good for the nervous system. 8. Cucumaria is extremely useful for joints and connective tissue of the human skeleton. 9. Regular consumption of cucumaria increases sexual activity in men.

Eating Cucumaria: Cucumaria is not consumed raw. Salads, hot and cold appetizers, and independent dishes are prepared from cucumaria. Cucumaria needs to be boiled for a long time from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the recipe of the dish. The tissues of the cucumaria contain B and C vitamins, trace elements phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, iodine, holoturins, hexosamines. It should also be noted that the cells of the cucumaria are sterile, they have no viruses, nor microbes. Thus, cucumaria is a storehouse of vitamins and benefits for the human body.