Most people adhere to a healthy lifestyle, but these attempts are not always successful. There are many difficulties on the way to health and many are not able to overcome them all their lives. However, the result can be amazing if you are constantly trying to improve your health.

Fresh juices from fruits and vegetables give your body an instant increase in nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals in the form in which your body can easily absorb them. Studies have shown that the nutrients that enter our body along with freshly squeezed juice are absorbed within 30 minutes.

Along with drinking juice, you can add many different vegetables and fruits to your daily diet, as well as increase the intake of raw foods, which will give your body energy and strengthen your immune system, as well as improve the cleansing process. Juices are one of the easiest and fastest ways to improve your health.

Juice from wheat germ is very nutritious and does not contain any toxic substances. It has a large amount of vitamins and minerals, and it also perfectly suppresses the feeling of hunger, which will help you control your appetite to maintain proper nutrition and control your own weight.

Freshly squeezed juice can be prepared from any vegetables and fruits, with the exception of potatoes or coconut. A combination of juices, sometimes even completely unexpected ones, will be a good tonic cocktail. By combining juices, you can increase the nutritional value of the finished product.

Do not drink juices in large doses - this leads to indigestion. Freshly squeezed juices contain a large number of biologically active substances, including those that have a laxative or choleretic effect. In addition, an allergic reaction can occur to a large amount of juice. 200 ml of any fresh juice per day is enough.

Juices from packages are not quite juices, but drinks made from fruit or vegetable puree and water. Freshly squeezed juices are best prepared from local fruits, vegetables and berries and drunk in the first 15 minutes after pressing.