1. In Japan, most commonly used sushi is fish called bluefin tuna. However, this fish can cause not only pleasure, but also lead to heart attacks or other diseases of the heart muscle. And all because her meat contains a very dangerous compound - mercury, the use of which in large quantities increases the risk of heart ailments at times.

2. To try all apple varieties bred for today (7.5 thousand varieties), you will spend 20 years of your life. This of course provided one apple - one day.

3. Did you know that it is better for smokers to refrain from taking beta-carotene vitamins? The fact is that tobacco smoke reacts to this useful vitamin and turns it into a carcinogen.

4. Recent scientific research has shown that over 90% of all fruits contain high levels of pesticides, even after heat treatment. This primarily applies to peaches and apples.

5. An ordinary banana can attract mosquitoes, so we advise you not to eat a lot of these fruits before going to the river or forest.

6. Nowadays, chicken contains about 200 times more fat and 30% less protein than 40 years ago. Such changes have occurred due to the use of unnatural feed on poultry farms.

7. As an inner coating of a can and some plastic bottles, a resin with bisphenol A is used. This element can cause problems with human reproductive functions, up to infertility.

8. If you notice on the packaging of a dietary product that it contains little fat - perhaps they want to trick you. After all, this does not mean that the product is low-calorie, and natural fats can always be replaced with harmful chemicals that completely imitate the taste of food.

9. You probably noticed that almost all children's sweets have a bright color. It is such rich colors of delicacies that often include substances that cause hyperactivity and overexcitation of our children, and it is almost impossible to completely abandon them.

10. In order to nullify all the calories gained after visiting a bistro and eating fast food, you need to run 8 hours, so nutritionists recommend visiting such establishments no more than 1 time per month.