Coffee is a commonly consumed drink. This drink is famous for its properties, it contains many secrets and mysteries. It is necessary to know not only the advantages of coffee, but also its obvious disadvantages. This article will introduce you to amazing coffee facts that you did not know yet.

1. Coffee is drunk not only according to a traditionally prepared recipe, but also cold. Moreover, it is not just cooled. It is still necessary to add ice to coffee. Cold coffee is considered a great way to tone up on a hot and stuffy day.

2. If you want to feel the full invigorating effect of caffeine, we recommend using brewed coffee rather than instant coffee. Brewed coffee contains twice as much caffeine.

3. "Coffee in Russian" - a famous recipe for making coffee. It is customary to add vodka to this drink. Oddly enough, the homeland of this recipe is not Russia, but Germany.

4. The biggest coffee lovers live in the United States. It is in America that coffee with the most intense taste is grown. And all because this variety is grown on the volcanic soil of Hawaii.

5. Coffee called Kopi Luwak - the most expensive and unsightly method of extraction. It grows on the island of Sumatra. The fruits of coffee are harvested and, instead of food, they are fed to the animal Luwak. In the animal’s stomach, the flesh is digested, and the grains come out naturally. The cost of coffee from these beans is 1000 euros per kilogram.

6. There are many ways to make coffee. The most useful is the Scandinavian method. It consists in boiling ground coffee.

7. Many people know that strong coffee is an indispensable way to regain strength after a large dose of alcohol. Do not drink this drink with alcohol. The fact is that after temporary sobering, strong coffee is able to several times increase the state of intoxication.

8. There are recipes for making coffee that many people find very strange. Among them there is coffee with butter, pepper and even garlic.

9. The so-called instant invigorating effect of a cup of coffee is just fiction. The fact is that caffeine begins to act on the brain only after thirty minutes. The invigorating effect lasts from two to six hours.

10. Eli, you suffer from gastroenterological diseases, coffee is strictly contraindicated for you. Everything is very simple: coffee increases the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. As a result, diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis and others are exacerbated.