Cabbage is the most common crop in the world. The ancient Greeks believed that cabbage has medicinal properties. It was believed that she treats headaches, deafness, and they also thought that she was able to relieve insomnia.

1. Cabbage juice is used in cosmetology. Since it has a rejuvenating effect, it is used as a skin care product.

2. Around the world, there are approximately 100 species of cabbage. The most common are red-headed, Peking, broccoli, colored, Savoy, Brussels and kohlrabi.

3. Experts say that cabbage contains substances that can slow the growth of cancerous tumors. In addition, many varieties of cabbage have a rare vitamin U. This vitamin prevents various diseases of the stomach and intestines.

4. The fair sex believes that if you use cabbage, your breasts will grow. Yes, it is a fact. But for the growth effect, at least one head of cabbage should be eaten daily.

5. The ancient Greeks believed that cabbage was able to relieve intoxication, and was considered a symbol of sobriety.

6. In Japan, cabbage is used not only in cooking. Some grow it as an ornamental plant decorating flower beds until the very end of autumn.

7. Cabbage has useful properties that help fight weight gain. Cabbage juice is also used as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. It is widely used in the treatment of diseases such as ulcers and gastritis.

8. It is important to know that cabbage contains much more nitrates than watermelon. Do not forget that the most harmful part of cabbage is considered a head of cabbage.

9. The ancient Romans served such a vegetable as cabbage, only on major holidays and only in boiled form. It was customary to add various spices to such a dish.

10. In China, the first time came up with sour cabbage. She was steeped in wine. This dish fed the slaves - the builders of the Great Wall of China.