Ingredients for - Frico with Apples and Montasio Cheese

1. 2 Golden Delicious apples (about 10 ounces)
2. 1 tbsp. Extra virgin olive oil
3. 1/2 lb. Montasio cheese

How to cook deliciously - Frico with Apples and Montasio Cheese

1 . Stage

Peel and core the apples, and slice into wedges about 1/2-inch thick. Pour the olive oil in a 10-inch nonstick skillet, and set over medium heat. Scatter the apple wedges in the pan, and toss to coat with oil. Cook and caramelize the apples for about 8 minutes, tossing frequently, until tinged with brown and softened but not mushy. Spill the caramelized apples onto a plate.

2 . Stage

Sprinkle half of the shredded Montasio in an even layer over the bottom of the skillet. Return the apples to the pan, spread them evenly on top of the cheese, then sprinkle the remainder of the shredded cheese over the apples.

3 . Stage

Lower the heat, and let the frico cook undisturbed until the bottom is very brown and crisped, about 10 minutes. If the cheese releases a lot of fat in the pan, blot it up with paper towels. Shake the pan to loosen the disk, put a large plate on top, and invert, dropping the frico onto the plate, then slide it back in the skillet, top side down. Cook until the second side is crisp and brown, about 7 minutes.

4 . Stage

Slide (or invert) the frico onto the plate, blot up oil, and slice into 6 wedges. Serve hot.

Frico with Apples and Montasio Cheese
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Frico with Apples and Montasio Cheese
Frico with Apples and Montasio Cheese
Peel and core the apples, and slice into wedges about...