This type of rice diet is the most complex and can be repeated no more than once every ten days. The purpose of the diet is to quickly and effectively lose weight in a short time. There is no specific menu, it is allowed to eat one glass of rice per day - it can be eaten in several doses, or in one.

For those people who find it difficult to cope with hunger, nutritionists are allowed to eat no more than three green apples per day between meals of rice. But the use of water is very important, because you need to remove a large amount of salts from the body. You can drink green tea without sugar or water. Water can be drunk only one hour after you have eaten rice, or 20 minutes before eating. Otherwise, the diet will not be as effective as if you were following all the rules.

A tough rice diet eliminates intense exercise and stress. A cleansing rice diet, as many reviews say, is quite complex but effective.