Tip 1.

Sunlight. Bright, indirect sunlight is best for a healthy money tree — which makes it easy to find the perfect spot for your plant. Consider a plant stand in the living room or on the floor of a home office, as long as the areas doesn't receive too much direct sunlight. Your plant may adjust to lower lights (although too little light will slow growth and cause the leaves to turn yellow), but direct sunlight will quickly scorch the leaves.

Tip 2.

Temperature and watering. According to West Coast Gardens, the money tree will grow best in a room with temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the plant away from heating and air conditioning vents and any drafty windows or doors. According to Just Add Ice, when caring for money plants, one of the most common mistakes money plant parents make is over-watering. Water the money plant once every one to two weeks or when the soil is 50-75% dry. During the spring and summer months, the plant will likely need more frequent watering. Make sure your container has drainage holes so the roots don't sit in excess water.

Tip 3.

Common Problems With Money Tree Plants to Avoid: Yellow leaves: You may be overwatering your plant, or it may be getting too sunlight. Try sticking to a consistent watering schedule or moving your planter into more indirect sunlight. Leaf drop: You're watering your plant too much or too little. It’s important to water your plant on schedule and not to wait until the soil has dried out completely. Temperature fluctuations, too much sunlight or insect infestations can also be factors. Note that some leaf loss is normal during growth. Root rot: Overwatering can cause root rot. If you notice leaves becoming droopy, the trunk becoming soft and slimy or an unpleasant smell, act quickly before the root rot becomes fatal. Repot your plant quickly! Insect infestation: Aphids, spider mites and mealybugs are particularly fond of money trees. If you notice an insect infestation (yellow leaves are a telltale sign), you can use an insecticidal soap with warm water to help eliminate the tiny pests. Money Tree. One of the best Feng Shui plants for good energy, the money plant is believed to bring luck, wealth and prosperity to its owners. Each stem has five shiny green leaves, which are said to symbolize the five elements of balance: earth, fire, water, wind and metal. While some stems will likely have six leaves, seven-leaves stems are said to bring extra luck to your home.