Most eggs are produced in China, and this is no less, 160 billion pieces per year. For comparison: in the US, this figure is 65 billion.

A chicken will never hatch from a store egg, even if it is placed in an incubator, as these eggs are not fertilized. In general, chicken is one of the very first domestic animals; it was tamed in China around 1400 BC. One chicken can lay up to 250 eggs per year. Moreover, this is not the limit of its capabilities: experiments have shown that by manipulating the light, it is possible to make the chickens rush a lot more.

The color of the yolk directly depends on what the chicken eats. An ostrich egg must be cooked for 2 hours to make it hard-boiled. It is very difficult to break it, not many predators have come up with an effective way to enjoy this delicacy. You can’t say about the Egyptian vulture, which throws stones at the top of an egg, and then, breaking the shell, regales its contents.

Did you know that eggs also breathe like any other living creature? The egg shell has small pores through which air passes and excess moisture comes out. In 21 days, during which the embryo, and later the chick, spends inside the egg, it absorbs about 4 liters of air and releases about 3 liters of carbon dioxide, as well as 8 liters of water vapor.

Christians paint eggs for Easter, but the Chinese do this before replenishment in the family, because the egg in China symbolizes the continuation of life. And if it is painted red, then it will become a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

With a simple egg, you can easily play a friend by making a jumping egg out of him. It is enough to lower it in a glass with vinegar and wait a few days. Then ask a friend to break the raw egg, throwing it from a height of, say, 15 meters. You will see how he will try.

The largest omelet was cooked by a Mexican cook, its weight was 600 kg, and it consisted of 500 yolks. Blind assistant cooks became record-breakers for speedy egg cleaning; they managed to clear 12,600 eggs in less than 8 hours.

Just think: humanity eats 567 billion eggs in a year, and this number is growing every year. It is also interesting that the size of the egg directly depends on the age of the chicken: the older it is, the larger its eggs will be. The founder of modern horror films, Alfred Hitchcock, was afraid of eggs. This phobia is called ovophobia.

And the most expensive eggs, of course, are Faberge eggs. The most expensive of them was sold at auction for 18,500 pounds. It was acquired by an unknown collector from Russia.