The sweetness level of any products is measured in arbitrary units, and sucrose is considered to be the zero point. Interestingly, the list of the sweetest foods in the world consists of the most unexpected representatives.

Sweetest Fruit: The first place among the sweetest fruits was taken by dates. After all, they contain up to 80% sugar. However, they are considered a dietary product and are included in the menu of many diets. And the inhabitants of the areas where the fruit grows have long been using it as a medicine: it is able to relieve pain during childbirth, remove stones from the kidneys, and is also rich in vitamins and microelements.

The sweetest vegetable: Typically, tomatoes are not considered a sweet product, but some of their varieties have a pleasant aroma and a sweet taste. Analyzes of different tomato varieties were carried out and found as many as 12 compounds that are responsible for the level of sweetness of tomato varieties. The sweetest was a variety of purple tomatoes and fleshy orange tomatoes. These varieties increase potency and are recognized as a powerful antioxidant.

Pumpkin: Pumpkin is considered one of the leaders in sugar content, including 32% sugar, which is equal to the sugar content in the best grapes. The sweetest varieties grow in Asia and are called: nutmeg, candied fruit, marble and Arbat pumpkin. Not only that, pumpkin is rich in vitamins C and B, which are responsible for hair, skin and nails, and keratin helps in muscle formation and fights obesity.

Onions: Garlic contains 27% sucrose and would be sweeter than sugar if not for the essential oils, which give it a sharp taste and smell. Garlic is a natural antibiotic that fights colds, wounds and the heart.

In addition to the above fruits and vegetables sweet as honey, you can still list a lot of different examples. Pineapples, apples from Thailand, tamarind, quiche-mish, black carrots, artichoke and persimmon are not far behind them.

The sweetest substance on the planet: The sweetest food supplement invented in 2010 is considered the sweetest. It is 13,000 times sweeter than sugar and is called neotame. And among natural formations, stevia is recognized as the sweetest. It is a perennial plant, which in sweetness exceeds sugar by 300 times. It is known that the American Indians sweetened their lives with it many thousands of years ago. And again, a Swiss scientist showed stevia to the whole world in 1903, he examined this bush and determined that its leaves are perfect for a low-calorie sweetener. In addition to its sweetness, this plant is useful in the treatment of psoriasis, angina pectoris, it improves memory and eliminates toxins, while housewives learned to use it for culinary purposes.