Ingredients for - Slow Cooker Pumpkin Puree

1. Sugar pumpkin 6 pounds
2. Kuri pumpkin 2 pounds
3. Kabocha squash 2 pounds

How to cook deliciously - Slow Cooker Pumpkin Puree

1 . Stage

Wash the outside of the pumpkins and squash, remove stems, and cut into quarters. Scrape out the seeds and stringy membranes.

2 . Stage

Line the bottom of a slow cooker with the sugar pumpkin pieces, skin-side up. Layer kuri and kabocha pieces in between the other pieces.

3 . Stage

Cover and cook on Low for 3 1/2 hours.

4 . Stage

Remove pumpkin and squash skins and blend with an immersion blender on low speed until the pulp is smooth. Mix to combine and either use right away or allow to cool before freezing.