Sugared Flowers

Cranberry Angel Food Cake Roll

Langes de Chat (Cat Tongue Cookies)

Jane's Jelly-Filled Vanilla Cake Roll

Lemon Tart

Black Walnut Ice Cream

Halloween Macarons

Cold Brew Coffee Ice Cream

Lemon Polenta Cake

Polish Egg Bread

Traditional Chinese Steamed Cake (Fa Gao)

Sangria Cocktail

Puff Pastry Bear Claws

Pear and Chocolate Tart

Pumpkin Pie-Spiced Chocolate Truffles

Cookies in a Jar (Emergency Cookies)

Banana Coffee Cake with Pecans

Kay's Creamy Mango Tarts

Three-Ingredient Shortbread Cookies

Apple Pie in a Brown Paper Bag


Pavlova with Winter Fruits

Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Caramelized Almonds and Toasted Marshmallows

Stout Brownies with Baileys® Chocolate Ganache

Brownie Baked Alaska