Ingredients for - Edible Ginger-Infused Cooking Oil

1. Very thinly sliced ginger root 2 cups
2. Coconut oil, melted 3 cups

How to cook deliciously - Edible Ginger-Infused Cooking Oil

1 . Stage

Lay ginger slices out on your dehydrator tray. Dry according to manufacturer's instructions, rotating every 20 to 30 minutes, until crisp and fragrant, about 2 hours.

2 . Stage

Break up dried ginger into smaller pieces; transfer to a saucepan. Add coconut oil; heat gently over low heat until natural oils from ginger infuse the oil, at least 2 hours.

3 . Stage

Strain ginger oil through a strainer to remove large pieces. Wrap cheesecloth over top of a glass jar. Pour ginger oil through cheesecloth into jar to strain again.