Joyce's Hanukkah Chicken Wings
Recipe information
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Servings per container:
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Ingredients for - Joyce's Hanukkah Chicken Wings

1. 15 whole wings -
2. c. Bisquick (lower-fat mix) -
3. 1 tsp. salt -
4. 1 tsp. paprika -
5. Freshly ground black pepper and cayenne to taste -
6. 1 tbsp. butter -
7. 1 tbsp. corn oil -

How to cook deliciously - Joyce's Hanukkah Chicken Wings

1. Stage

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

2. Stage

Combine Bisquick, salt, paprika, pepper and cayenne in a medium bowl. Wash chicken and pat dry. Roll in Bisquick mixture.

3. Stage

Put 1/2 tablespoon of oil and 1/2 tablespoon of butter on each of 2 large cookie sheets. Put cookie sheets in oven and allow butter to melt; remove sheets from oven and tilt to spread butter mixture evenly.

4. Stage

Arrange chicken pieces on cookie sheets, taking care not to crowd them. Bake chicken for 20 minutes, turn pieces and bake for 20 - 25 minutes more or until chicken is crisp and deep golden brown. Serve hot or at room temperature.