Classic Vodka Martini
Recipe information
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
5 min.
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
Servings per container:
Recipe Icon - Master recipes

Ingredients for - Classic Vodka Martini

1. 3 ounces vodka -
2. 3/4 ounces dry vermouth -
3. Lemon peel -
4. Ice -

How to cook deliciously - Classic Vodka Martini

1. Stage

Mix the vodka and vermouth: Fill a mixing glass or pint glass with ice. Add the vodka and vermouth.

2. Stage

Stir: Stir for at least 30 seconds.

3. Stage

Prep your glass: Allow the drink to sit for a minute. Meanwhile, rub a lemon peel around the rim of a cocktail glass.

4. Stage

Strain: Strain the drink into the glass, and drop the lemon peel in. Sip and savor!