Ingredients for - Salmon & soured cream potato bites

1. 8small potatoes (Maris Piper, King Edward or a red-skinned variety)
2. 135-150g pack hot smoked salmon flakes (or a fillet, flaked yourself)
3. 2-3 tsp hot grated horseradish (from a jar)
4. 1 tbsp chopped chive
5. 3 spring onions , trimmed and finely chopped
6. 5 tbsp soured cream or crème fraîche
7. squeeze of lemon juice
8. 1 tbsp olive oil
9. a few chives
10. fine strips of lemon zest

How to cook deliciously - Salmon & soured cream potato bites

1 . Stage

Preheat the oven to fan 180C/conventional 200C/gas 6. Wash the potatoes and prick each one with a fork. Place on the middle oven shelf and bake for 30-40 minutes until golden and crispy outside and cooked in the middle.

2 . Stage

Remove from the oven, leaving it on. When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, halve each one and scoop the fluffy flesh into a bowl. Add the salmon, horseradish, chives, spring onions, soured cream or crème fraîche and lemon juice. Season well and mix gently.

3 . Stage

Put the empty potato skins on a baking sheet and brush with oil. Return to the oven for 5 minutes to crisp, then spoon in the filling. Cover with foil and return to the oven for 5 minutes. Garnish with chives, lemon zest and pepper.