Ingredients for - Grape Ice with Almond Puree

1. 1/4 c. sugar
2. 2 c. Concord grape juice
3. Finely grated zest and juice of 1/2 lemon
4. tsp. salt
5. 1/4 c. slivered almonds
6. 1/4 c. 2% milk
7. tsp. salt
8. 1/2 tsp. mild sea salt
9. 1/4 tsp. freshly, finely ground black pepper

How to cook deliciously - Grape Ice with Almond Puree

1 . Stage

Make grape ice: In a small saucepan, bring sugar and 1/3 cup water to a boil over medium heat; cook, stirring occasionally, until sugar is dissolved. Set aside.

2 . Stage

In a high-sided 9-inch baking pan, combine grape juice, lemon zest, lemon juice, and salt. Stir in sugar water; cover with plastic and freeze 1 hour. Using a fork, scrape frozen crystals from sides of the pan into center; return to freezer. Repeat every 45 minutes until mixture is frozen, about 4 hours total.

3 . Stage

Make almond puree: Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, bring toasted almonds, milk, and salt to a boil; reduce to a bare simmer. Cover and cook about 10 minutes. Transfer to a food processor; process until smooth, about 3 minutes. Cover and refrigerate up to 2 hours.

4 . Stage

One hour before serving, remove grape ice from freezer and scrape with a fork until light and fluffy; return to freezer.

5 . Stage

To serve, line 8 dishes with a dollop of almond puree. Top with shaved ice and a dash of sea salt and pepper. Serve immediately.