Horseradish butter steaks
Recipe information
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Recipe Icon - Master recipes
Servings per container:
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Ingredients for - Horseradish butter steaks

1. 4 sirloin or rump steaks -
2. olive oil , for brushing -
3. 100g horseradish & chive butter (See 'Goes well with' below for the recipe) -
4. mixed salad leaves , including watercress, rocket and ak leaf lettuce and a crisp leaf, such as Batavia or Little Gem -
5. 2 tbsp red wine vinegar -
6. 1 shallot , finely chopped -
7. pinch sugar -
8. 5 tbsp olive oil -

How to cook deliciously - Horseradish butter steaks

1. Stage

First, make the dressing. Mix the vinegar, shallot, sugar, salt and pepper in a bowl, then whisk in the olive oil. Tear the salad leaves into bite-size pieces and set aside. Now, heat a griddle pan to high.

2. Stage

Brush the steaks lightly on each side with oil, then season with salt and pepper. Griddle for 2-3 mins on each side, until cooked to your liking. Toss the salad in the dressing. Top each steak with a few slices of Horseradish & chive butter, then serve with the salad.