Ingredients for - Little Gem & pea salad

1. 4 Little Gem lettuces , each trimmed and cut into 6 wedges
2. 300g pea , fresh or frozen
3. 1 shallot , finely chopped
4. juice 1 lemon
5. 1 tbsp sherry vinegar
6. 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

How to cook deliciously - Little Gem & pea salad

1 . Stage

Put the Little Gem wedges in a large bowl or on a serving platter. Bring a medium saucepan of water to the boil, add the peas and cook for 2 mins. Drain well and refresh under cold running water until cooled. Add the well-drained peas to the lettuce and toss together.

2 . Stage

In a small bowl, combine the shallot, lemon juice and vinegar, plus a pinch of salt. Leave to stand for 10 mins, then add the olive oil and season with ground black pepper. Add the dressing to the Gem wedges and peas, and toss together.