Ingredients for - Berry multigrain smoothie

1. Cereal flakes 150 gram
2. Yogurt 0,5 L
3. Red berries 400 gram
4. Honey 2 tbsp

How to cook deliciously - Berry multigrain smoothie

1 . Stage

Raspberries from a bush...

1. Stage. Berry multigrain smoothie: Raspberries from a bush...

2 . Stage

Flakes with honey - in yogurt...

1. Stage. Berry multigrain smoothie: Flakes with honey - in yogurt...

3 . Stage

The freshest strawberries.

1. Stage. Berry multigrain smoothie: The freshest strawberries.

4 . Stage

Beat everything with a mixer and voila - enjoy! I personally make sure to add cinnamon to my glass - I love it)))) And for my husband - to normalize blood sugar:)

1. Stage. Berry multigrain smoothie: Beat everything with a mixer and voila - enjoy! I personally make sure to add cinnamon to my glass - I love it)))) And for my husband - to normalize blood sugar:)