Ingredients for - Strawberry cake

1. Biscuit Chicken egg 5 PC.
2. Biscuit Sugar 160 gram
3. Biscuit Flour 130 gram
4. Cream Creamy 250 Ml
5. Cream Powdered sugar 3 tbsp
6. Strawberry Jam Strawberry 400 gram
7. Strawberry Jam Sugar 50 gram
8. Decoration Strawberry 5 PC.
9. Decoration Powdered sugar 1 tbsp

How to cook deliciously - Strawberry cake

1 . Stage

Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites into a foam, gradually add half the sugar, and whip until stiff peaks. Whisk the yolks with the remaining half of the sugar until light. Gradually add the whites to the yolks and stir gently in a circular motion.

1. Stage. Strawberry cake: Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites into a foam, gradually add half the sugar, and whip until stiff peaks. Whisk the yolks with the remaining half of the sugar until light. Gradually add the whites to the yolks and stir gently in a circular motion.

2 . Stage

2. Then sift the flour in batches and also mix gently. Cover a mold (I have 22 cm) with parchment, grease the bottom with butter and put the dough in it. Bake in a preheated 180* oven for 35-40 minutes.

3 . Stage

3. Cut the strawberries into halves or quarters. Place the strawberries in a small saucepan, pour the sugar, put on a small fire, bring to a boil, remove from the heat. Puree with a blender, cool completely.

1. Stage. Strawberry cake: 3. Cut the strawberries into halves or quarters. Place the strawberries in a small saucepan, pour the sugar, put on a small fire, bring to a boil, remove from the heat. Puree with a blender, cool completely.

4 . Stage

4. Cool the biscuit on a wire rack and cut it into three layers.

1. Stage. Strawberry cake: 4. Cool the biscuit on a wire rack and cut it into three layers.

5 . Stage

5. Prepare the cream: whip the cooled cream with powdered sugar until stiff peaks, transfer the cream to a piping bag.

6 . Stage

6. Assemble the cake: each cake (except the top) dab the strawberry jam first, then the cream.

1. Stage. Strawberry cake: 6. Assemble the cake: each cake (except the top) dab the strawberry jam first, then the cream.

7 . Stage

7. Decorate the top cake with powdered sugar and strawberries. Send the cake to the fridge for 2 hours. Bon appetit!