Apple Basket Cake
Witches with pikeperch fillets
Bulgarian Vrachanska Salamura soup
Potato casserole with minced meat
Beef in red wine
Khanum of pumpkin and meat
Soffioni Cake
Warm potato salad
Minced meat and pumpkin pie
The most autumnal salad
Shakshuka with spinach and vegetables
Mushroom casserole
Soup with tender dumplings
Kurdan Kebab
Quiche with salmon and mushrooms
Casserole with chicken and broccoli cabbage
Spicy chicken with beans and peppers
Vegetable chips
Pickled cabbage
Chicken wings with cauliflower
Quick tuna gravy
Hanum on a frying pan
Halloween mummy peppers
A salad with rich flavor from simple products
Taiwanese Fried Chicken