Ingredients for - Fresh Peach Sorbet

1. Sliced peeled peaches 4 cups
2. White sugar 2 cups
3. Orange juice 1 cup
4. Lemon juice 2 tablespoons

How to cook deliciously - Fresh Peach Sorbet

1 . Stage

Puree peaches in a blender until smooth.

2 . Stage

Combine sugar, orange juice, and lemon juice in a 4-quart pan over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in pureed peaches.

3 . Stage

Pour mixture into a 9x13-inch pan and allow to cool to room temperature, about 30 minutes. Place in the freezer until firm but not hard, about 1 1/2 hours.

4 . Stage

Transfer peach mixture in small batches to a food processor. Process until light and fluffy, about 1 minute. Fill into 1/2-pint freezer containers leaving 1/2 inch head space. Freeze until firm, at least 4 hours.