Ingredients for - Baked pork with man's jam

1. Pork 1200 gram
2. Carrot 1 PC.
3. Garlic 4 clove
4. Roots 2 tbsp
5. Adjika 1 tbsp
6. Vinegar 1 tbsp
7. Lemon zest 1 Tsp
8. Parsley (greens) 2 twig
9. Sugar 0,5 Tsp

How to cook deliciously - Baked pork with man's jam

1 . Stage

Meat, I got a piece of pork neck carbonate today.

1. Stage. Baked pork with man's jam: Meat, I got a piece of pork neck carbonate today.

2 . Stage

Using a long thin knife, make incisions in the meat, smear the cuts inside the adzhika and fill with salted pieces of carrot and garlic.

1. Stage. Baked pork with man's jam: Using a long thin knife, make incisions in the meat, smear the cuts inside the adzhika and fill with salted pieces of carrot and garlic.

3 . Stage

Prepare a marinade mix, or "Man Jam." Today I have a simplified version using ready-made ajika. So, grate a piece of celery root and a piece of parsley, finely chop 2 cloves of garlic, celery and parsley leaves, mix everything with the ajika, add lemon zest, sugar and grape vinegar.

1. Stage. Baked pork with man's jam: Prepare a marinade mix, or

4 . Stage

This is what I got. The amount of added ajika determines the spiciness of the dish. You should be guided by your taste preferences.

1. Stage. Baked pork with man's jam: This is what I got. The amount of added ajika determines the spiciness of the dish. You should be guided by your taste preferences.

5 . Stage

Coat the meat with the aromatic and spicy mixture and leave to marinate for 1 - 2 hours. If there is no time, you can bake at once.

1. Stage. Baked pork with man's jam: Coat the meat with the aromatic and spicy mixture and leave to marinate for 1 - 2 hours. If there is no time, you can bake at once.

6 . Stage

Wrap the meat in foil and put it in the oven. I baked at 190 g for 1.5 hours. 10-15 minutes before it is ready, unroll the foil and wait until the meat is nicely browned.

1. Stage. Baked pork with man's jam: Wrap the meat in foil and put it in the oven. I baked at 190 g for 1.5 hours. 10-15 minutes before it is ready, unroll the foil and wait until the meat is nicely browned.

7 . Stage

Our spicy, spicy and flavorful meat is ready. And here's the cut. At the given proportions the spiciness is felt only slightly. Inside the meat is juicy and very tender.

1. Stage. Baked pork with man's jam: Our spicy, spicy and flavorful meat is ready. And here's the cut. At the given proportions the spiciness is felt only slightly. Inside the meat is juicy and very tender.

8 . Stage

When chilled, this meat is an excellent version of a burger. It can come in handy as a cold cuts and for sandwiches. Treat your men, I have no doubt that this dish will deserve their approval!

1. Stage. Baked pork with man's jam: When chilled, this meat is an excellent version of a burger. It can come in handy as a cold cuts and for sandwiches. Treat your men, I have no doubt that this dish will deserve their approval!