Spicy Herb Seasoning
Recipe information
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5 min.
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Servings per container:
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Ingredients for - Spicy Herb Seasoning

1. Cayenne pepper - 1 teaspoon
2. Garlic powder - 2 tablespoons
3. Dried basil - 2 teaspoons
4. Ground savory - 2 teaspoons
5. Onion Powder - 2 teaspoons
6. Dried sage - 2 teaspoons
7. Grated lemon zest - 1 teaspoon
8. Ground mace - 2 teaspoons
9. Dried thyme - 2 teaspoons
10. Dried parsley - 2 teaspoons
11. Dried marjoram - 2 teaspoons
12. Ground black pepper - 2 teaspoons
13. Paprika - 1 teaspoon

How to cook deliciously - Spicy Herb Seasoning

1. Stage

Crush or grind all the ingredients together. Let stand at least overnight before using. Keep this mixture in an airtight container.