Big Moe's Pork Burgers
Recipe information
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15 min.
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Servings per container:
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Ingredients for - Big Moe's Pork Burgers

1. Farmland® Fresh Ground Pork - 3 (1 pound) packages
2. Sweet onion, chopped - 1 small
3. Feta cheese crumbles - ¾ cup
4. Shredded Cheddar cheese - ¾ cup
5. Worcestershire sauce - ¼ cup
6. Hot sauce - ¼ cup
7. Minced garlic - 2 tablespoons
8. Fresh cracked black pepper - 2 tablespoons
9. Coarse sea salt - 2 tablespoons

How to cook deliciously - Big Moe's Pork Burgers

1. Stage

Heat charcoal or gas grill to medium. Combine ground pork, onion, cheeses, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce and garlic in large bowl; mix well with hands. Shape into 1-inch thick patties (9 to 12); sprinkle pepper and salt on both sides.

2. Stage

If a smokier flavor is wanted, add a small handful of pecan or oak wood chips to fire about 10 minutes before putting patties on.

3. Stage

Grill burgers approximately 15 minutes until internal temperature reaches 165 degrees F, turning every 5 minutes.