Slow Cooker Vegetarian Curry
Recipe information
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15 min.
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Servings per container:
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Ingredients for - Slow Cooker Vegetarian Curry

1. Cauliflower, chopped - 1 head
2. Green peas - 1 ½ cups
3. Potatoes, chopped - 3
4. Tomatoes, chopped - 3
5. Water - 1 cup
6. Ground cumin - 1 ½ teaspoons
7. Curry powder - 1 teaspoon
8. Ground turmeric - ¾ teaspoon
9. Chili powder - ½ teaspoon

How to cook deliciously - Slow Cooker Vegetarian Curry

1. Stage

Combine cauliflower, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, water, cumin, curry powder, turmeric, and chili powder in a slow cooker.

2. Stage

Cook on Low until vegetables are tender, 5 to 6 hours.