Buffalo Chicken Meat Loaf
Recipe information
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
25 min.
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Servings per container:
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Ingredients for - Buffalo Chicken Meat Loaf

1. 1 cup dry whole wheat bread crumbs -
2. 2 celery ribs, chopped -
3. 1 small onion, chopped -
4. 2 large eggs, lightly beaten -
5. 1/2 cup Buffalo wing sauce -
6. 3 garlic cloves, minced -
7. 1 teaspoon pepper -
8. 1 cup crumbled blue cheese, divided -
9. 1 pound ground chicken -
10. 6 bacon strips -
11. Glaze: -
12. 1/4 cup Buffalo wing sauce -
13. 4 teaspoons prepared mustard -
14. 4 teaspoons honey -
15. Additional chopped celery, optional -

How to cook deliciously - Buffalo Chicken Meat Loaf

1. Stage

Preheat your oven to 350°F. In a large bowl, add the bread crumbs, celery, onion, eggs, Buffalo sauce, garlic and pepper; stir and toss to combine.

2. Stage

Stir the ground chicken into the same bowl, and mix all the ingredients together. Make sure to combine the mixture evenly, but don't be so aggressive that you break apart the ground meat or overmix the eggs.

3. Stage

Wet your hands, then shape the mixture into an 8x4-inch loaf. Place the shaped meat loaf on a greased baking pan that's wide enough to give it plenty of space on all sides (think 15x10 inches). Next, drape the bacon strips over the loaf.

4. Stage

In a small bowl, mix together the wing sauce, mustard and honey. Spoon or brush the glaze evenly over the meat loaf.

5. Stage

Pop the baking pan into the oven and let it cook until a food thermometer comes out reading 165°, 45 to 50 minutes. Sprinkle on the additional cheese and celery, if you wish, then let the meat loaf rest for 10 minutes, and slice and serve it.