Ingredients for - Christmas Tree Cheese Ball

1. Cream cheese, softened 2 (8 ounce) packages
2. Shredded Cheddar cheese 1 cup
3. Finely diced onion ¼ cup
4. Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon
5. Red bell pepper 1
6. Fresh parsley, chopped 1 bunch
7. Chopped pecans, or as needed ¼ cup

How to cook deliciously - Christmas Tree Cheese Ball

1 . Stage

Mix cream cheese, Cheddar cheese, onion, and Worcestershire sauce together in a bowl with an electric mixer until completely blended. Turn cheese mixture onto a sheet of waxed paper and form it into the shape of a Christmas tree. Refrigerate cheese 'tree' until firm, at least 1 hour.

2 . Stage

Cut bell pepper into thin strips and 1 star shape.

3 . Stage

Press parsley into cheese tree to cover. Press bell pepper strips in a row to form a 'garland'. Make another 'garland' using chopped pecans. Place bell pepper star at the top of the 'tree'. Carefully transfer 'tree' to a serving platter.