Ingredients for - Pumpkin caviar for the winter

1. Pumpkin 700 gram
2. Carrot 350 gram
3. Bulb onions 350 gram
4. Tomatoes 150 gram
5. Garlic 30 gram
6. Vinegar 9% 25 Ml
7. Vegetable oil 50 Ml
8. Black pepper taste
9. Salt taste

How to cook deliciously - Pumpkin caviar for the winter

1 . Stage

Peel all the vegetables and scroll through individually through a meat grinder. Fry the onion until soft in vegetable oil.

1. Stage. Pumpkin caviar for the winter: Peel all the vegetables and scroll through individually through a meat grinder. Fry the onion until soft in vegetable oil.

2 . Stage

Add carrots to the onion and fry for 5 minutes.

1. Stage. Pumpkin caviar for the winter: Add carrots to the onion and fry for 5 minutes.

3 . Stage

Then add the pumpkin to the pan and cook periodically stirring 10 minutes.

1. Stage. Pumpkin caviar for the winter: Then add the pumpkin to the pan and cook periodically stirring 10 minutes.

4 . Stage

Add the tomatoes also skipped through the meat grinder, salt and pepper to taste. Stew under the lid for 20 minutes over low heat.

1. Stage. Pumpkin caviar for the winter: Add the tomatoes also skipped through the meat grinder, salt and pepper to taste. Stew under the lid for 20 minutes over low heat.

5 . Stage

At the end, add chopped garlic, vinegar to the caviar and cook for 5 minutes. After the eggs, lay in sterile jars and twist. Caviar is ready.

1. Stage. Pumpkin caviar for the winter: At the end, add chopped garlic, vinegar to the caviar and cook for 5 minutes. After the eggs, lay in sterile jars and twist. Caviar is ready.

6 . Stage

The caviar turns out to be tasty and aromatic, but still the taste is for an amateur, not everyone can enjoy it, only true pumpkin lovers will appreciate this dish. Bon Appetit!!!!