Chicken Liver with Sweet Pepper
Recipe information
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
35 min.
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Servings per container:
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Ingredients for - Chicken Liver with Sweet Pepper

1. Chicken liver - 500 gram
2. Bell pepper - 300 gram
3. Bulb onions - 150 gram
4. Vegetable oil - 30 Ml
5. Thyme - taste
6. Salt - taste
7. Black pepper - taste

How to cook deliciously - Chicken Liver with Sweet Pepper

1. Stage

Cut the onion into half rings.

1. Stage. Chicken Liver with Sweet Pepper: Cut the onion into half rings.

2. Stage

Peel the seeds and cut into strips.

1. Stage. Chicken Liver with Sweet Pepper: Peel the seeds and cut into strips.

3. Stage

Cut the liver into pieces.

1. Stage. Chicken Liver with Sweet Pepper: Cut the liver into pieces.

4. Stage

Fry the onion in vegetable oil for several minutes, then add the liver and cook for 5 minutes.

1. Stage. Chicken Liver with Sweet Pepper: Fry the onion in vegetable oil for several minutes, then add the liver and cook for 5 minutes.

5. Stage

Add sweet pepper, salt and pepper to taste. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes.

1. Stage. Chicken Liver with Sweet Pepper: Add sweet pepper, salt and pepper to taste. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes.

6. Stage

Serve hot.

1. Stage. Chicken Liver with Sweet Pepper: Serve hot.

7. Stage

Bon Appetit!!!

8. Stage

Chicken Liver with Sweet Pepper turns juicy, aromatic, tasty and tender. Cooking is quite simple and fast, such a liver is perfect for any side dish or as a separate dish with bread and vegetables. Pepper gives the dish a wonderful aroma and taste, if you wish, you can add your favorite spices if you like spicy then a little chili.