Ingredients for - Chocolate Dumplings

1. Bold curd 500 gram
2. Bananas 100 gram
3. Chocolate 150 gram
4. Coconut flakes 80 gram
5. Chicken egg 1 PC.
6. Semolina 180 gram
7. Sugar 40 gram
8. Flour 50 gram
9. Salt pinch

How to cook deliciously - Chocolate Dumplings

1 . Stage

Beat the egg with a whisk and mix with cottage cheese. Pour semolina, a pinch of salt and a little sugar. Then add the flour a little and knead the soft dough like lazy dumplings.

2 . Stage

From the dough we roll the flagellum and cut it into even parts.

3 . Stage

Cut the banana into circles, break the chocolate into small pieces. We roll each slice of dough on a powdery surface in a small circle, put a slice of banana and chocolate in the center.

4 . Stage

We fasten the edges of the dough, carefully roll it into a ball, carefully making sure that the chocolate does not break through the dough.

5 . Stage

Pour water into the pan when the water boils, add a pinch of salt and a little sugar, dip the dumplings into it one at a time and cook in boiling water for 8 minutes. Then we discard them in a colander and roll in coconut.