Ingredients for - Karen's Red Hot Campfire Potatoes

1. Aluminum foil
2. Bacon, divided 6 slices
3. Red potatoes, or more to taste, halved 8 small
4. Red onion, quartered and slightly broken apart 1
5. Red pepper flakes 1 teaspoon
6. Chili powder 1 teaspoon
7. Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 teaspoon

How to cook deliciously - Karen's Red Hot Campfire Potatoes

1 . Stage

Build a campfire and allow the fire to burn until hot.

2 . Stage

Cross two 1 1/2-foot long pieces of aluminum foil so the centers are overlapping. Place 3 strips of bacon in the center of the foil.

3 . Stage

Combine potatoes, onion, red pepper flakes, and chili powder in a bowl. Season generously with salt and pepper. Place potato mixture on top of the bacon slices and top with the remaining bacon slices.

4 . Stage

Fold the opposite ends of the foil inward to create a packet, making sure that all open spaces are sealed.

5 . Stage

Throw the packet directly on the campfire. Cook, turning as needed so the contents do not burn, until potatoes are tender and edges of the foil blacken, 45 to 60 minutes. Open packet very carefully.