Ingredients for - Cheesy Potatoes

1. Potatoes, peeled and sliced 4 large
2. Onion, finely chopped 1 small
3. Shredded Cheddar cheese 1 ½ cups
4. Margarine 1 teaspoon
5. Salt and pepper to taste 1 teaspoon

How to cook deliciously - Cheesy Potatoes

1 . Stage

Layer the potatoes, onion, cheese, salt and pepper into a microwave safe casserole dish. Once finished layering, place 1 teaspoon of margarine on the top of the uppermost layer. Cover and cook in the microwave oven on HIGH for 10 minutes.

2 . Stage

Remove the dish from the microwave and stir before cooking for another 10 minutes or until done. Stir well and serve.