Ham, Potato, and Cheese Soup
Recipe information
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30 min.
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Servings per container:
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Ingredients for - Ham, Potato, and Cheese Soup

1. Potatoes, peeled and cubed - 12
2. Onions, finely chopped - 2 large
3. Processed cheese food (eg. Velveeta) - 2 pounds
4. Chopped ham - 1 pound
5. Ground black pepper to taste - 1 pound
6. All-purpose flour - 3 ½ tablespoons
7. Milk - 1 cup

How to cook deliciously - Ham, Potato, and Cheese Soup

1. Stage

Place potatoes, onion, and cubed ham in large stockpot. Cover with water. Cook until potatoes are almost tender.

2. Stage

Remove about one cup of the cooked potatoes and mash in a bowl with the back of a fork. Add some of the liquid from the pan (about a tablespoon at a time) along with the flour till you have a thick paste. Add this back to the pot.

3. Stage

Place the cheese (either whole of cubed) in the pot. Let the soup simmer until the cheese melts and is thick. Add ground black pepper to taste and stir in the milk.