Ingredients for - Chocolate Cottage Cheese Donuts

1. Bold curd 300 gram
2. Flour 200 gram
3. Potato starch 1 Tsp
4. Chicken egg 2 PC.
5. Sugar 3 tbsp
6. Vanilla sugar 0.5 Tsp
7. Slaked soda 0.5 Tsp
8. Chocolate 150 gram
9. Vegetable oil for frying
10. Powdered sugar for filing

How to cook deliciously - Chocolate Cottage Cheese Donuts

1 . Stage

Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar in a lush mass. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve (in a blender) into a plastic mass without grains.

2 . Stage

Add cottage cheese, sifted flour, starch, slaked vinegar, to the egg mass. Mix everything well. The test should not be very thick.

3 . Stage

Heat vegetable oil in a pan with a thick bottom. Grease your hands with vegetable oil and pinch small pieces from the dough, form a cake on the palm of your hand and put a piece of chocolate (1cm * 1cm) in the center, roll a ball the size of a walnut. Make sure that there are no holes in the ball, otherwise chocolate may leak out of the donut at high temperature.

4 . Stage

Carefully put future donuts in hot oil, there should be enough oil so that the balls do not touch the bottom of the pan.

5 . Stage

Fry until golden brown. Hot donuts can be put on a paper towel to absorb excess fat.

6 . Stage

Sprinkle the donuts with powdered sugar before serving.