Stewed cabbage
Recipe information
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
45 min.
Recipe Icon - Master recipes
Servings per container:
Recipe Icon - Master recipes

Ingredients for - Stewed cabbage

1. White cabbage - 600 gram
2. Potatoes - 6 PC.
3. Carrot - 2 PC.
4. Bulb onions - 1 PC.
5. Bell pepper - 1 PC.
6. Tomatoes - 1 PC.
7. Tomato paste - 2 tbsp
8. Salt - taste
9. Sugar - 2 Tsp
10. Black pepper - taste

How to cook deliciously - Stewed cabbage

1. Stage

We cut potatoes in small cubes, fry in vegetable oil until half-cooked.

2. Stage

Chop cabbage, chop onion and bell pepper, grate carrots. Mix carrots, onions and peppers and fry in vegetable oil until tender.

3. Stage

Add finely chopped tomato and tomato paste, add a little water, simmer another 10 minutes, until almost all the water has evaporated.

4. Stage

Salt, pepper, add a little sugar. Then, add the cabbage and simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes.

5. Stage

When the cabbage is almost ready, add potatoes to it, reduce heat and cover, simmer another 15 minutes: