Ingredients for - Malyutki fast-ripening patties

1. Dough Flour 4 Art.
2. Dough Milk 1 Art.
3. Dough Dry yeast 30 gram
4. Dough Butter 200 gram
5. Dough Sugar 1 tbsp
6. Dough Salt 0,5 Tsp
7. Filling Vegetable oil 2 tbsp
8. Filling Potatoes 700 gram
9. Filling Bulb onions 2 PC.
10. Filling Carrot 1 PC.

How to cook deliciously - Malyutki fast-ripening patties

1 . Stage

Prepare the stuffing. I have mashed boiled potatoes with fried onions and carrots. While the potatoes are boiling, we knead the dough. The dough does not need to prove, immediately after kneading we will "roll" pies. The time indicated for cooking, and the same amount of time is spent on baking.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: Prepare the stuffing. I have mashed boiled potatoes with fried onions and carrots. While the potatoes are boiling, we knead the dough. The dough does not need to prove, immediately after kneading we will

2 . Stage

Melt butter in a saucepan, pour in milk. As soon as it cools to warm, add the yeast, sugar (pre-mix the fresh ones with sugar and dissolve in 20 ml of milk, so that they do not float in the butter-milk mixture in lumps), add salt.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: Melt butter in a saucepan, pour in milk. As soon as it cools to warm, add the yeast, sugar (pre-mix the fresh ones with sugar and dissolve in 20 ml of milk, so that they do not float in the butter-milk mixture in lumps), add salt.

3 . Stage

Sift flour here, not all at once, gradually. Knead with a wooden spoon.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: Sift flour here, not all at once, gradually. Knead with a wooden spoon.

4 . Stage

Sift flour here, not all at once, gradually. Knead with a wooden spoon.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: Sift flour here, not all at once, gradually. Knead with a wooden spoon.

5 . Stage

Knead the dough. It should be very soft. We divide it into six parts.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: Knead the dough. It should be very soft. We divide it into six parts.

6 . Stage

Roll out each piece into a rectangle, about 30 cm by 20 cm and 3 mm thick.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: Roll out each piece into a rectangle, about 30 cm by 20 cm and 3 mm thick.

7 . Stage

Along the long edge of the laying stuffing.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: Along the long edge of the laying stuffing.

8 . Stage

Roll up, pinch along and around the edges.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: Roll up, pinch along and around the edges.

9 . Stage

Find the middle and with the palm of your hand, dusted with flour, make sawing motions, lightly rolling the sausage back and forth. You will feel how the dough becomes under your hand all Already.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: Find the middle and with the palm of your hand, dusted with flour, make sawing motions, lightly rolling the sausage back and forth. You will feel how the dough becomes under your hand all Already.

10 . Stage

The resulting 2 rolls "saw" in the same way, in the middle. And the resulting 4.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: The resulting 2 rolls

11 . Stage

So from one roll we "saw" 8 patties, small, the size of a matchbox. With this method there is no extra dough at all, because there are no patties. After the first sausage, your hand will "get full" very quickly! And the work will go faster and more fun. You get such-and-such small sacks.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: So from one roll we

12 . Stage

The oven is preheated to 180. Place the patties on a greased baking sheet sprinkled with flour. The output is 48 small patties.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: The oven is preheated to 180. Place the patties on a greased baking sheet sprinkled with flour. The output is 48 small patties.

13 . Stage

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until crispy. If you like glossy, brush with beaten egg before baking.

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until crispy. If you like glossy, brush with beaten egg before baking.

14 . Stage

These are the ones in the break. Due to the fact that they are rolled up, the structure of the dough after baking is slightly layered. The dough-to-filling ratio is perfect! The next day-soft as fluff! You have to try it! Bon appetit!

1. Stage. Malyutki fast-ripening patties: These are the ones in the break. Due to the fact that they are rolled up, the structure of the dough after baking is slightly layered. The dough-to-filling ratio is perfect! The next day-soft as fluff! You have to try it! Bon appetit!